försäljning:Whatsapp: + 86-731-87100700 försäljning:+ 86-15111058679 service efter försäljning:+ 86-18711156957
AFEN is a top Chinese vending machine company, which is specialized in developing, production and marketing related products in the field of self-service technology. As one of the top vending machine companies, with its advanced technical ability and huge manufacturing capacity, we have become an excellent supplier and partner in the self-service market.
AFEN har ett oberoende kärnteknologi och hårdvaruprogramvara FoU-center, inhemsk avancerad plåtproduktionslinje, automatisk miljöskyddsspraylinje, slutmonteringslinje och olika typer av precisions-CNC-testutrustning.
Pre sale service, professional training, remote service, telemetry icloud service
Overall solutions, telemetry cloud system customization, operators technical support
Hardware&software operation training、trouble shooting、management experience
MOQ:2 , batchs for customization, welcome agency cooperation
Copyright ©HUNAN AFEN VENDING MACHINE Co, Ltd. Med ensamrätt. - Blogg | Integritetspolicy | Köpvillkor